Load up the Mikkelsen Twins website and you will be instantly greeted by two topless men. Then you're alongside a large amount of 'famous' quotes which are likely to encourage you to check out the way of life you want to live. Quotes from celebrities such as for example for example Winston Churchill and...uhm...Will Smith. Obviously, I'm going to seem beyond the quotes in this Mikkelsen Twins review and tell you if the course they give really delivers the goods. Or... in case you run to the hills! What Are the Mikkelsen Twins About? The Mikkelsen Twins are the creators of Publishing Life and Audiobook Income Academy. World travel seemingly have represented an interesting new adventure for the twins. According in their mind, to have the ability to live your lifetime to the fullest extent possible, you should always add a bit of fun. For the Mikkelsen twins , not having a great time is just a complete waste of the time. To have the ability to live their life of complete ...